Remember we went fishing...

Remember we went fishing...

Hey Pops,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately, and I wanted to take a moment to express just how much you mean to me.

One of my fondest memories is our fishing trips. Do you remember those early mornings when we’d pack up the truck with our gear, grab some snacks, and head out to our favorite spot by the lake? We’d spend hours casting our lines, talking about everything under the sun, often not catching a single fish. It didn’t matter that we came home empty-handed sometimes; it was about the time we spent together. It was always about spending time together. There were no distractions, it was just us talking and laughing. Maybe it was us who scared the fish away, but I always had a blast with you. Those moments taught me patience, resilience, and the value of just being in the moment with someone you love.

Your stories and wisdom have always been a guiding light for me. Whether it was advice on handling life’s challenges or simply sharing a laugh over an old joke, you’ve always known how to make me feel understood and supported. Your strength and kindness are qualities I admire deeply and strive to emulate.

Being away from home has given me a lot of time to reflect, and I realize now more than ever how much you’ve shaped the person I am today. Your dedication to our family, your work ethic, and your unwavering love have been the foundation of my strength here. Whenever things get tough, I think about those fishing trips and the calm, steady way you handled everything, and it helps me keep going.

I miss you, Dad. I miss our talks, our shared silences, and even our fruitless fishing adventures. I look forward to the day we can sit by the lake again, lines in the water, enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world.

Thank you for being the incredible father that you are. Your love and support mean the world to me, and I hope you know just how much I love and admire you.

Take care, and give my love to everyone back home.

With all my love,


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