My Little Hero -- How Much I Miss You.

My Little Hero -- How Much I Miss You.

Dear Kiddo,

Hi there, my little hero! I hope you're having a wonderful day filled with fun and adventure. I miss you so much and think about you every single day. I wanted to write you this special letter to remind you how much I love you and to share a little bit about my day here.

Even though I'm far away, I'm doing important work to keep our country safe and strong, just like a superhero. I wake up early in the morning, put on my uniform, and get ready for a day of helping others. Sometimes, I have to be very brave and work hard, but I always think of you, and that gives me all the strength I need.

Today, I met some new friends who are also working hard to keep everyone safe. We talked about our families and how much we miss them. I showed them a picture of you, and they all said how lucky I am to have such a wonderful child. I told them all about the things you love to do, like drawing with colored pencils, and how you're the best at it.

I want you to know that even though we are far apart, you are always in my heart. Every night before I go to sleep, I look up at the same moon and stars that you see. It makes me feel close to you, knowing that we are both looking at the same sky.

Remember to be brave and kind, just like the heroes in your favorite stories. Help Mommy around the house, do your best in school, and take care of Bam-Bam, he has always been a happy puppy with you. I am so proud of you and all the things you do.

I can't wait to come home and give you a big hug. We'll have so many stories to share and adventures to go on together. Until then, know that I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

Stay strong, my little hero. I'll be home soon.

With all my love,


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