How Much You Mean to Me...

How Much You Mean to Me...

Dear Sofia,

Hello, my love. I hope this letter finds you well. I miss you so much and think about you every day. Being away from you has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but thinking of you gives me strength. There’s so much I want to tell you, so I thought I’d start with how much I love you.

These past months have been incredibly challenging; today, we had two injuries on the team, but they will make it. Every day I feel the ache of missing you and the warmth of your presence. I miss your smile, your laughter, and the way you make everything feel right. The nights are especially tough without you by my side. Knowing that you’re there, taking care of everything, is what keeps me going. There is nothing more I want than being home with you.

I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you. You’ve taken on so much while I’ve been away, and you’ve done it with such grace and strength. Managing the household, taking care of the kids, and handling all the daily challenges—your resilience amazes me. I know it’s not easy, and I admire your courage and dedication more than words can express.

You are the heart of our family, and I am so grateful for everything you do. The kids are lucky to have such a wonderful mother, and I am beyond blessed to have you as my wife. Your support and love mean the world to me, and I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for the letters you sent, I keep them on my wall next to my bunk.

I think about our life together all the time. I can’t wait to come home and be with you again, to hold you close and share all the moments we’ve missed. I look forward to the simple things: having dinner together, talking about our days, and just being together. Those are the moments I cherish the most, and I can't wait to experience them with you again.

Please know that even though I am far away, my heart is always with you. Your love gives me strength and keeps me focused on getting back home to you and our family. I count the days until I can see you again and tell you in person how much you mean to me.

Stay strong, my love. I’ll be home in October, and until then, know that you are in my thoughts and my heart every moment. Thank you for being my rock and my everything.

With all my love,


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