Happy Birthday, little man.

Happy Birthday, little man.

Happy 8th Birthday, my little man!

I can hardly believe you’re already eight years old! It feels like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time. I wish more than anything that I could be there to celebrate this special day with you, but know that I’m thinking about you and sending all my love from afar.

You are growing up so fast and becoming such an amazing young man. I am incredibly proud of you. I’ve heard so many great things about how you’re doing in school and how you’re helping out at home. You are truly the man of the house right now, and it means so much to me that you’re taking such good care of Mom.

I know it’s not easy with me being away, but remember that this won’t last forever. Soon enough, we’ll be together again, and we’ll have so much to catch up on. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures, your new friends, and everything you’ve learned.

When I get back, we’re going to celebrate not just this birthday, but every moment we’ve missed. We’ll have the biggest birthday party ever, with all your favorite games, your favorite cake, and we’ll even go on that fishing trip I promised you. We’re going to make so many wonderful memories together.

In the meantime, keep being the amazing son that you are. Keep looking after the family and helping out whenever you can. I know it’s a big responsibility, but I also know you’re up to the task. You’ve got a heart of gold and a strength that amazes me every day.

Enjoy your special day, buddy. Have fun, laugh a lot, and know that Dad loves you more than words can say. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait to see you soon.

Happy Birthday, John!

With all my love,


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